backItems 2.0


you can find the config in backitems/config.lua

The backItems module comprises two main configurations:

  1. Default Slots Configuration (defaultSlots)
  2. Back Items Configuration (BackItems)

1. Default Slots Configuration (defaultSlots)

This configuration defines the default slots for item placement, each linked to a specific bone, position, and rotation.

Slot Class Specification

  • bone (number): The ID of the bone where the slot is attached.
  • pos (vec3): The position vec (x, y, z) relative to the bone.
  • rot (vec3): The rotation vec (x, y, z) relative to the bone.

2. Back Items Configuration (BackItems)

This configuration outlines the properties and placement rules for back items.

BackItem Class Overview

  • prio (number): Sets the display priority of the item.
  • group (string, optional): Defines the slot group for the item, defaulting to 'back'.
  • customPos (table, optional): Specifies a custom position for the item, which includes:
    • bone (number, optional): The bone ID for custom attachment. Mandatory if ignoreLimits is utilized.
    • pos (vec3, optional): The custom position vec. Mandatory if ignoreLimits is utilized.
    • rot (vec3, optional): The custom rotation vec. Mandatory if ignoreLimits is utilized.
  • ignoreLimits (boolean, optional): When true, the item attaches regardless of available slots. Requires a full customPos setup.
  • model (number, optional): Necessary for non-weapon items or alternative models for weapons.

Configuration Examples

Configuring Default Slots

Define default slots in Config.defaultSlots. Example:

Config.defaultSlots = {
    ['back'] = {
        { bone = 24818, pos = vec3(0.09, -0.16, 0.12), rot = vec3(0.0, 180.0, 0.0) },

Configuring Back Items

  • the index for the back items should be the same as the item name in the inventory

Normal Weapon Back Item

Config.BackItems = {
        prio = 3,
        group = 'back'

Normal Non-Weapon Back Item

Config.BackItems = {
    ['cone'] = {
        prio = 3,
        model = `prop_roadcone02a`,  -- Required model for non-weapons
        group = 'back'

Weapon Back Item with Alternative model

Config.BackItems = {
    ['katana'] = {
        prio = 3,
        model = `sheathed_katana`,  -- Optional alternative model for weapons
        group = 'back'

Weapon Back Item with customPos

Config.BackItems = {
    ['WEAPON_BAT'] = {
        prio = 3,
        group = 'back',
        customPos = {
            pos = { x = 0.4, y = -0.15 },
            rot = { y = 270.0 }

Back Item with ignoreLimits

items with ignoreLimits will ALWAYS equip when in the inventory. they dont use a slot group or prio, but do require a complete customPos

this is an example of a cone that gets put on your head

Config.BackItems = {
    ['cone'] = {
        ignoreLimits = true,
        model = `prop_roadcone02a`,
        customPos = {
            bone = 12844,
            pos = vec3(0.06, 0.0, 0.0),
            rot = vec3(0.0, 90.0, 0.0)

Customization Guidance

  • Ensure correct bone IDs, positions, and rotations for desired item placements.
  • Use ignoreLimits only with a complete customPos.
  • The model field is required for non-weapon items or alternative weapon models.