simple crafting system using ox_inventory hooks.


To create a new item, follow the structure of the RECIPES table and add a new entry. Each entry consists of the following properties:

  • duration: (number) The duration in milliseconds for the craft to complete.
  • client: ({before: function, after: function}) client-side functions to be executed before and after crafting.
  • server: ({before: function, after: function}) server-side functions to be executed before and after crafting.
  • result: ({name: string, amount: number}[]) An array of objects representing the resulting items after the craft. Each object should have a name property specifying the item's name and an amount property indicating the quantity obtained.
  • costs: (table<string, {need: number, remove: boolean}>) A table that specifies the amount of both items needed to perform the craft and whether they should be removed upon completion. Each item is represented as a key-value pair, where the key is the item's name and the value is a table with need and remove properties. The need property specifies the required quantity or durability removal amount if between 0.0 and 1.0, and the remove property indicates whether the item should be removed from the inventory upon completion.

You can add as many different item/amount pairs to the result array as desired, allowing for multiple items to be obtained from a single craft.

    ['garbage scrapmetal'] = { --'item1 item2' this is the 2 items that will be dragged ontop of eachother seperated by a single space
        duration = 2000,
        client = {
            before = function(recipeData) --recipeData is all the info defined here for this specific recipe.
                -- some client logic to run before crafting
                -- if this returns false, it will cancel the craft
                -- returning true or nil will continue with the craft
            after = function(recipeData)
                -- some client logic to run after successfully crafting
        server = {
            before = function(recipeData)
                -- some server logic to run before crafting
                -- if this returns false, it will cancel the craft
                -- returning true or nil will continue with the craft
            after = function(recipeData)
                -- some server logic to run after successfully crafting
        costs = {
            ['garbage'] = {need = 1, remove = true}, --removes 10% durability everytime its used in a craft. so this would allow 10 uses. 10 * 10 = 100
            ['scrapmetal'] = {need = 0.1, remove = true},
        result = {
            {name = 'lockpick', amount = 1},
    -- Add more craft recipes here


export is available on both the server and the client to register recipes externally

note: when using this export, you may only register the callbacks for the context you call it in. (client/server)


  exports.ox_inventory_addons:addRecipe('garbage scrapmetal', {
    duration = 2000,
    client = {
      before = function(recipeData)
        -- some client logic to run before crafting
        -- if this returns false, it will cancel the craft
        -- returning true or nil will continue with the craft
      after = function(recipeData)
        -- some client logic to run after crafting
        -- returns boolean or nil
    costs = {
      ['garbage'] = { need = 1, remove = true },
      ['scrapmetal'] = { need = 0.1, remove = true },
    result = {
      { name = 'lockpick', amount = 1 },
      -- { name = 'something', amount = 1 }


  exports.ox_inventory_addons:addRecipe('garbage scrapmetal', {
    duration = 2000,
    server = {
      before = function(recipeData)
        -- some server logic to run before crafting
        -- if this returns false, it will cancel the craft
        -- returning true or nil will continue with the craft
      after = function(recipeData)
        -- some server logic to run after crafting
        -- returns boolean or nil
    costs = {
      ['garbage'] = { need = 1, remove = true },
      ['scrapmetal'] = { need = 0.1, remove = true },
    result = {
      { name = 'lockpick', amount = 1 },
      -- { name = 'something', amount = 1 }